Friday, April 30, 2010

04-29-10 Kona's New Home

Kona left us for her new home this afternoon. I gave her Mom some chicken for the ride. We received a great report!

Kona's New Mom says:

She did great on the way home, I fed her a couple of pcs of chicken and she snoozed until we got home.

She walked right in like she owned the place tail waggin 90 to nothing and she met the grandkids too. Took to them like a duck to water. We all went for a long walk a few minutes ago and she is tuckered out in her pen. She is laying down watching the kids watch TV. She has not shown any anxiety at all and seems quiet happy exploring the house..

I will give her lots of cuddles around bedtime.

I have her wave machine hooked up and ready to go. I took the door off her carrier and she has been going in and out for short periods at a time. I put her baby toy with the scents in it .

Oh she has used her potty pad too.

I love the fact she is not timid at all and chases after the kids like she has always been around them.

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