Saturday, March 20, 2010

03-20-10 #1 Boy

I'm the #1 boy! I love getting held!

Please press play to view video.

The Family Bath

We have to take a bath from time to time. Sometimes, Mom puts us in the shower and sometimes in the utility sink. Since the pups have taken over the utility, she put us in the shower today! Watch us ROLL!

Please press play to view video.

03-20-10 Training - Rollovers

We started learning rollovers today! Rollovers and Down are some of the hardest commands for us - starting early! #3 did a sit with her paw on the crate. #2 went into a submissive position today!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

03-17-10 Tug of War

Please press play to view video.

03-18-10 #5 Looking at the Camera

Press play to view video:

03-18-10 Sleeping in the Box

All of a sudden, I realized how quiet it was in the utility room. This is what I found.

Please press play to view video:

Next video - take off the box top:

03-18-10 New Puppy House

They are curious. So, anything you bring into the house, they will investigate!

Please press play to view video:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

03-17-10 Potty and Poop

We are having a big week. We have started weaning and crate training. Today, the puppies went straight to the potty pad and did their thing! Each time I have let them out, they know to go to the pad to take care of business!

Please click on play for the video evidence:

03-17-10 #5 Girl (Too Funny) - Moonwalking

I was cleaning up the derriere of the pups. I had Charcoal on the washer with the scissors. I picked up her tail and the next thing I knew she was MOONWALKING almost off the washer. I tried again. I picked up her tail, and she did it again! This is video from play time on March 14th.

Please press play to view video.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

03-16-10 #3 Girl

#3 is a female wheaton brindle with a little silver mixed in. When she was born, her mask was larger, but has been getting lighter. She is very sweet. She is very curious and likes to go "downunder". I caught her backing herself into my refrigerator grill - just caught her in time!

Please click on play for view video.

03-16-10 #5 Girl

#5 is female and a black brindle. Her tail is solid black. She is usually the last to fall asleep with one of the boys. She started doing the moonwalk early - close to when she began walking. I think she might be more curious, but haven't confirmed that yet. She is a curious Cairn. She will "downunder" if she get the chance.

Please click on play to view video.

03-16-10 #4 Girl

#4 is very sweet. At one time, #3 had more energy, now #4 has more energy. They are still developing, so it is hard to tell how much energy they will have. #4 didn't have a black mask when she was born, but her mask continues to get darker. She loves for me to hold her. #4 just started doing the moon walk (a trait of CoCo's when she came to live with us). She also tosses her head back and forth when she plays with a rag bone which is a very cute trait!

Please click on play to view video.

03-16-10 The Girls (#3, #4, #5)

The three girls eating.

Please click on play to view video.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

03-14-10 #6 Girl Will Have a New Home Soon

Today, I was adopted by Rene' and Jasmine (a Wheaten Cairn)! I will be moving to Richardson, TX around April 17th!