Monday, April 19, 2010

04-18-10 CoCo with #4 (Bella) and #3 (Flopsie)

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04-18-10 #4 Bella

Bella is wearing the green collar! This picture was taken after the boys went to new homes this weekend. It was just the girls!

CoCo, #3 Flopsie, #4 Bella

#4 Bella


She is doing well. She is sharing a crate with #3 now. They have the utility room to themselves. I caught them playing in the crate today. They were rolling around on top of each other! She is smaller than the other Cairns and eats very slow. I had a problem with my computer last night and today, so I'm late posting this picture for you. We had a cold front come through, so I couldn't take her out for a walk today. She is still sensative to cold. We went out yesterday for our first walk. She did well. Steve and I worked with her on her commands. I think I have a video to show you. I have had to separate her from Flopsie (#3) when she is doing her commands because Flopsie has been tackling her to get the treat! I tried to take pictures of her in the garden with the flowers, but I cannot get her to stay still. She is quick! Let me see if I can find more pictures for you!
