Monday, July 12, 2010

07-10-10 The Little Family Begging

Flopsie, Chase, and CoCo: CoCo is recovering from being sick.

Press play to video.

07-09-10 Flopsie's Grooming

07-06-09 Flopsie Before Grooming

Week 21 - Flopsie goes for her first grooming. I taped her before showing her coat with the black on the tips and standing out from the main coat.

Please press play to watch video.

07-02-10 Tazz and Flopsie Playing

Usually Flopsie and CoCo play all the time, but CoCo was a little under the weather.

Press play to view video.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

#3 VS #4 Tug of War

Bella is very strong for being smaller than Flopsie! Flopsie goes and gets in her crate and Bella drags her across the floor!

I think the video is too long to post!

05-13-10 Ice Cubes Anyone?

Bella (#4) and Flopsie (#3) love playing with the ice cubes - their gums are hurting from the teeth pushing through again!

Again the video was too long to post!

05-13-10 Bella (#4) Talking

Bella has a cute little "bark" like her father. Chase use to talk to me all the time. I finally had to train him to bark on que.

Please press play to view video.

05-16-10 All Cairns in the Yard This Morning

Bella (#4), Flopsie (#3), CoCo and Tazz climbing on a dirt pile!

Monday, May 10, 2010

05-10-10 What is in a name?

Lords and Ladies Cairn Terriers

Father: Chase Lord of Comedy
Mother: CoCo Lady of Comedy

#1 - Male - Bogie
#2 - Male - Gadgit to Radar
#3 - Female - Cinamon to Lady Flopsie Mopsie
#4 - Female - Bella
#5 - Female - Charcoal (Blackie) to Bellatrix (Bella)
#6 - Female - Kona to Lords and Ladies Raven Beauty

How to name your dog:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

05-07-10 All girls playing

Tazz, Flopsie (#3), Bella (#4), and Mom (CoCo) playing in the backyard! See the pups run down the steps!

05-07-10 Tazz and Pups

Tazz loves having someone to chase her! Chase's job was to chase Tazz, but he didn't like his appointed job. He quit that job and became our protector!

05-06-10 Bella's New Space

After Kona/Raven left our house, the pen was available for Bella to learn to sleep by herself and have her own space!

05-05-10 Bella "Caught" in the Tablecloth

CoCo initially destroyed the tablecloth. The "girls" are continuing the family tradition!

Bella was literally "caught" in the act!

05-03-10 Bella (#4) Barking

Bella's cute little bark!

05-03-10 Bella (#4) and Flopsie (#3)

Who is dominant?

05-02-10 Bella Barking and Bones

Bella has a bone but thinks Flopsie's bone looks better!

Friday, April 30, 2010

CoCo at Her Breeder's House

CoCo's Mom

CoCo's Mom was named Darlings Thistle Gypsy Rose and was Red. When she was a puppy, they described her as Wheaten Brindle with black parts. Her father was named BSK Wizard of Oz! He was a black brindle!

CoCo's mom was

04-29-10 #4 Bella

She ran through the sprinkler and got all wet today! I hope to get video soon!

She is taking after her mother!! CoCo has a swimming pool!

04-29-10 Kona (#6) Has a New Name

#6 Kona will hence be known as Raven.

Her mom tells me how she arrived at her name: We have finally settled on Raven since she is dark haired like her beautiful parents and it happens to tie into a Coat of Arms family Motto on my mom’s side.

Motto: God Feeds the Ravens

Isn't wonderful she knows her family genealogy!

04-29-10 Kona's New Home

Kona left us for her new home this afternoon. I gave her Mom some chicken for the ride. We received a great report!

Kona's New Mom says:

She did great on the way home, I fed her a couple of pcs of chicken and she snoozed until we got home.

She walked right in like she owned the place tail waggin 90 to nothing and she met the grandkids too. Took to them like a duck to water. We all went for a long walk a few minutes ago and she is tuckered out in her pen. She is laying down watching the kids watch TV. She has not shown any anxiety at all and seems quiet happy exploring the house..

I will give her lots of cuddles around bedtime.

I have her wave machine hooked up and ready to go. I took the door off her carrier and she has been going in and out for short periods at a time. I put her baby toy with the scents in it .

Oh she has used her potty pad too.

I love the fact she is not timid at all and chases after the kids like she has always been around them.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

04-28-10 Facebook

I have three moms on Facebook with me! It is so fun to see their photos as they grow up!

04-28-10 #5's Name Change and Her Ears

#5 who has been known as Charcoal is now Miss Bellatrix (from Harry Potter)! Although, she was the last for her ears to go up - her mom told me a few days ago they are almost up now!

04-28-10 #2's Name Change

#2 who was known as Gidget has now been dubbed Radar! He really looks like Radar with his round head!

04-28-10 #6 Kona has a New Home!

Kona will be going to her new home on Friday with Debra who lives in Tyler, Tx!

04-28-10 Cheryl and the Puppies

Please press play to view.

Two of the girls are having a problem getting along. Cheryl taking up for #6 Kona!

04-28-10 #4 Bella and Water

Please press play to view video.

04-28-10 #6 Kona and CoCo Tug of War

Please press play to view video.

04-28-10 #6 Kona Walking After Trip

Please press play to view video.

04-29-10 #3 (Flopsie) and #4 (Bella) Playing with Mom

Please press play to view video.

04-29-10 Bella (#4) Sitting


Here is a video of Bella sitting! We went to Longview yesterday to show the puppies to more friends! Bella did very, very well. This was our third trip in the car. She seems to be on schedule for her big ride home from Texas to Colorado! She was a very good girl and went to the bathroom in the grass! She is so smart and learns so quickly! Twenty-three more days until you can hold Bella in your arms!


Please press play to view video.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

04-25-10 Skylar


We have been very busy. I have taking some video and trying to reach another step in crate training with the puppies today! I will try and post soon!


Monday, April 19, 2010

04-18-10 CoCo with #4 (Bella) and #3 (Flopsie)

Please press play to view video.

04-18-10 #4 Bella

Bella is wearing the green collar! This picture was taken after the boys went to new homes this weekend. It was just the girls!

CoCo, #3 Flopsie, #4 Bella

#4 Bella


She is doing well. She is sharing a crate with #3 now. They have the utility room to themselves. I caught them playing in the crate today. They were rolling around on top of each other! She is smaller than the other Cairns and eats very slow. I had a problem with my computer last night and today, so I'm late posting this picture for you. We had a cold front come through, so I couldn't take her out for a walk today. She is still sensative to cold. We went out yesterday for our first walk. She did well. Steve and I worked with her on her commands. I think I have a video to show you. I have had to separate her from Flopsie (#3) when she is doing her commands because Flopsie has been tackling her to get the treat! I tried to take pictures of her in the garden with the flowers, but I cannot get her to stay still. She is quick! Let me see if I can find more pictures for you!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

04-13-10 Begging

Charcoal (#5) and Kona (#6) begging!

Please press play to view video:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

04-03-10 #4 Bella

Skylar here is your puppy! She has a cute little voice now! I'm trying to get her on tape for you!
I'll try to take some new pictures for you tomorrow in my flowering garden!

04-13-10 Tired Pups

I have been separating them today. It hasn't gone well. I let them back into the room together. After playing hard, they cuddled up together! They really like being together!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

04-10-10 #2 Has Been Named

Our #2 boy will be known as GADGIT! His brother WIDGET ( a 3-year old male) will be welcoming him home on Saturday!

04-10-10 Tonight

On the sofa with all my little pups (one at a time) on my chest and loving them as much as I can before they leave. Kona likes a new toy! Our skunk without stuffing! Tried to get as much of my income tax completed today. Just a little more tomorrow, then I'll spend as much time as I can with the pups!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

04-08-10 Sleeping

We played and played until we fell asleep!

Please press play to view video.

04-08-10 Chase Sticking His Tongue Out At Us!

Please press play to view video.

#5 Outside Play Day

#4 Bella After the Digging

#6 Kona After the Digging

04-08-10 #1 Bogie in a Box

He loves the tunnel and house box!

04-02-10 #5 Her Commands

My go-along-get-along girl!

Please press play to view video:

04-07-10 #2 is the Best Begger in the Group!

Please press play to view video:

04-07-10 Sleeping Dogs

Please press play to view video:

04-03-10 Playing in the Tub

Please press play to view video:

04-04-10 #5 Playing Outside

Sometimes we call her Charcoal and sometimes we call her Blackie.

Please press play to view video:

03-31-10 #4 Bella is Flying!

She doesn't have wings, but she has a TAIL!

Please press play to view video:

03-31-10 #2 Is he part of KISS???

Please press play to view video:

04-07-10 How to Work for Your Meals - SIT Command

Your puppies are very intelligent! They need to learn commands to use their minds! A trainer advised me to make mine work for their food and treats! Watch SIX puppies SIT for their food!

Please press play to view video:

Thanks for the camera work Tonya!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

04-05-10 #4 Has a New Home

#4 will be going to Greely, Coloarado to live!

Skylar has declared her puppy will be named BELLA!!

Happy Birthday Skylar!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

04-02-10 Kona at the Computer

Kona and I are watching puppy videos. She cannot take her eyes off the puppies playing!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

03-28-10 #1 Has a New Home & Name

Lori and John have adopted #1 Boy today and have named him!

He shall be known as BOGIE!!

Bogie was such a good boy today and showed his new parents twice how he can use his potty pad and SIT for pictures!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Congratuations #6 - Food Name Theme

She has been named after a Hawaiian Coffee Bean which means feminine or lady!

She will now be known as KONA!

#2 Boy Has a New Home!

#2 will be going home to Rick and Sandra in Bossier!! He will be welcomed by Tootsie Roll and Widget (a Cairn)!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

03-25-10 Puppy Loving

We loved and each one fell asleep in my arms tonight!

No 1

No 2

No. 3
No. 4

No 5
No 6

Saturday, March 20, 2010

03-20-10 #1 Boy

I'm the #1 boy! I love getting held!

Please press play to view video.

The Family Bath

We have to take a bath from time to time. Sometimes, Mom puts us in the shower and sometimes in the utility sink. Since the pups have taken over the utility, she put us in the shower today! Watch us ROLL!

Please press play to view video.

03-20-10 Training - Rollovers

We started learning rollovers today! Rollovers and Down are some of the hardest commands for us - starting early! #3 did a sit with her paw on the crate. #2 went into a submissive position today!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

03-17-10 Tug of War

Please press play to view video.

03-18-10 #5 Looking at the Camera

Press play to view video:

03-18-10 Sleeping in the Box

All of a sudden, I realized how quiet it was in the utility room. This is what I found.

Please press play to view video:

Next video - take off the box top:

03-18-10 New Puppy House

They are curious. So, anything you bring into the house, they will investigate!

Please press play to view video:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

03-17-10 Potty and Poop

We are having a big week. We have started weaning and crate training. Today, the puppies went straight to the potty pad and did their thing! Each time I have let them out, they know to go to the pad to take care of business!

Please click on play for the video evidence:

03-17-10 #5 Girl (Too Funny) - Moonwalking

I was cleaning up the derriere of the pups. I had Charcoal on the washer with the scissors. I picked up her tail and the next thing I knew she was MOONWALKING almost off the washer. I tried again. I picked up her tail, and she did it again! This is video from play time on March 14th.

Please press play to view video.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

03-16-10 #3 Girl

#3 is a female wheaton brindle with a little silver mixed in. When she was born, her mask was larger, but has been getting lighter. She is very sweet. She is very curious and likes to go "downunder". I caught her backing herself into my refrigerator grill - just caught her in time!

Please click on play for view video.

03-16-10 #5 Girl

#5 is female and a black brindle. Her tail is solid black. She is usually the last to fall asleep with one of the boys. She started doing the moonwalk early - close to when she began walking. I think she might be more curious, but haven't confirmed that yet. She is a curious Cairn. She will "downunder" if she get the chance.

Please click on play to view video.

03-16-10 #4 Girl

#4 is very sweet. At one time, #3 had more energy, now #4 has more energy. They are still developing, so it is hard to tell how much energy they will have. #4 didn't have a black mask when she was born, but her mask continues to get darker. She loves for me to hold her. #4 just started doing the moon walk (a trait of CoCo's when she came to live with us). She also tosses her head back and forth when she plays with a rag bone which is a very cute trait!

Please click on play to view video.

03-16-10 The Girls (#3, #4, #5)

The three girls eating.

Please click on play to view video.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

03-14-10 #6 Girl Will Have a New Home Soon

Today, I was adopted by Rene' and Jasmine (a Wheaten Cairn)! I will be moving to Richardson, TX around April 17th!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

03-11-10 After Breakfast

It was a little noise this morning after Breakfast! They had nursed earlier, then had their nice meal of mush. For the first time, they complained!

Click on Play to View Video.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

02-20-10 Late Valentine's Day

03-09-10 4th Week Birthday

03-08-10 Wagging Our Tails

03-07-10 Moving On Up

We have moved! From the utility room to the kitchen!


More playing involves growling, biting, wagging tails, and a bark here and there! And still sleeping!

03-04-10 Grew

We have grown to 9-inches! Take for a little milk!

03-10-10 4 Weeks, 1 Day - Breakfast

They have grown to 12-inches!!

Click Play to View Video

03-06-10 Puppies Sleeping in a Triangle

03-03-10 How many TOENAILS???

I have clipped 108 toenails, played with 6 mouths, played with 12 ears, made a big plate of mush, massaged CoCo while she nursed, ironed 7 pillowcases for pictures, taken 24 pictures, and washed 3 dog loads today! This is just the dog stuff!

F6 - Black Brindle

F5 - Black Brindle

F4 - Wheaten Brindle

F3 - Wheaten Brindle with Black Mask

M2 - Black Brindle

1st Male - Wheaten Brindle

03-02-10 3rd Week Birthday - Playing

We have began to play! Now, we need more food and we are served our mush on a plate! What a life!

02-26-10 It Was A Big Day

Our teeth are emerging. We decided to stand up and start walking!But we are still snuggling!

02-25-10 Light and Dark

Our eyes are open!

They seem to know when it is time to go to sleep.
Turn out the lights and it gets quite!

02-23-10 2nd Week Birthday - Puppy Status

It is hard to believe, but it has been 2 weeks today since my CoCo delivered. The puppies are round and fat! Their toenails are really growing and getting caught in everything. Their ears are starting to form cute little triangles.

02-22-10 Eye Opening (14th Day)

Girl #3 Wheaton Brindle with Black Mask

Three puppies started opening their eyes tonight!

02-21-10 Sleeping

1st Boy - Wheaton Brindle

02-19-10 Sleeping

Bellies Up!
We aren't old enough for Line Dancing, but Line Sleeping is up our alley!